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by Colin Smith


如何选择计算机科学学位课程 (How to choose a Computer Science degree program)

I remember combing through the countless computer science programs online and feeling a bit lost on what I should be looking for. I ended up choosing the degree that I felt I could finish the quickest. The degree was supposed to be a 2 year program but that was really just bait. It wasn’t feasible to finish the program in 2 years and I ended up finishing it in 3. And this was only possible because the program was a post-bacc program, meaning that you had to have another degree already to enroll.

我记得在网上梳理了无数的计算机科学程序,对我应该寻找的东西感到有些困惑。 我最终选择了自己认为可以最快完成的学位。 该学位本来应该是2年制课程,但那实际上只是诱饵。 在2年内完成该计划是不可行的,而我在3年内最终完成了。这之所以可行,是因为该课程是后文凭课程,这意味着您必须已经拥有另一个学位才能注册。

Looking back, I should have had a specific target in mind. I had a very broad goal which was get a job as soon as possible. The program I chose worked because it was short and did enable me to get a job within 2 years. But after I got my first job, I realized which company you worked for was important.

回顾过去,我应该有一个特定的目标。 我有一个非常广泛的目标,那就是尽快找到工作。 我选择的计划之所以有效,是因为它很短,并且确实使我能够在2年内找到一份工作。 但是当我找到第一份工作后,我意识到您为哪家公司工作很重要。

The degree was supposed to be a 2 year program but that was really just bait.

I now work at a top tech company and have worked here for around 2 years. But I wish I could have started at this company directly after graduating. My philosophy is you should always shoot for the top. If you end up disliking the environment of a top tech company, then the name of that company will allow you to move to any other company. It gives you credibility and freedom to work where you want.

我现在在一家顶级高科技公司工作,并在这里工作了大约2年。 但我希望我毕业后能直接在这家公司工作。 我的理念是,您应该始终追求顶级。 如果您最终不喜欢顶级高科技公司的环境,那么该公司的名称将使您可以转到任何其他公司。 它给您信誉和自由,可以在您想要的地方工作。

So I’ll be writing this article from that perspective. I’ll give you concrete things to look for when choosing a degree so you can work at your target company.

所以我将从这个角度写这篇文章。 选择学位时,我将为您提供具体的信息,以便您可以在目标公司工作。

研究您想在哪里工作的人 (Study the people who work where you want to work)

If you want to work somewhere, emulate the people that already work there. It’s as simple as that. They were hired for a reason. You may be wondering how to go about emulating people that work where you want to work. The first step is looking up the company you want to work for on LinkedIn.

如果您想在某个地方工作,请效仿已经在那里工作的人。 就这么简单。 他们被录用是有原因的。 您可能想知道如何去效仿想要工作的人。 第一步是在LinkedIn上查找您要工作的公司。

LinkedIn is an incredibly valuable resource. There is a ton of free information on LinkedIn. And all you have to do is sign up to get access to it. Let’s start off with a basic search. Type the name of the company you want to work for in the search bar. Go to the LinkedIn profile of that company and click the “People” row on the left side of the page.

LinkedIn是非常宝贵的资源。 LinkedIn上有大量免费信息。 您要做的就是注册以获得访问权限。 让我们从基本搜索开始。 在搜索栏中输入您要工作的公司的名称。 转到该公司的LinkedIn个人资料,然后单击页面左侧的“人”行。

Once you hit the “People” page, you’ll find all kinds of valuable information. You can see aggregated stats about employees that include where they live, where they studied, what they do, what they studied, what they are skilled at and how you are connected on LinkedIn. I can’t stress this enough, this is such valuable information.

进入“人员”页面后,您会发现各种有价值的信息。 您可以查看有关员工的汇总统计信息,包括他们的住所,学习的地点,工作的内容,学习的内容,他们的技能以及在LinkedIn上的联系方式。 我不能强调太多,这是非常有价值的信息。

You may feel disheartened when you search a company like Google and you see the top 7 universities people studied at are Stanford, Berkeley, Carnegie Mellon, USC, MIT and Cornell. But fret not! Because if you look closer to the middle and bottom, there are much more attainable universities.

当您搜索像Google这样的公司时,您可能会感到沮丧,您会发现研究过的前7名大学是斯坦福大学,伯克利大学,卡内基·梅隆大学,南加州大学,麻省理工学院和康奈尔大学。 但是,不用担心! 因为如果您靠近中部和底部,那么可获得的大学就很多。

Just below those top schools is the University of Washington which has an acceptance rate of 53.3% in 2015–2016. That gives you a good opportunity to follow in the footsteps of those who have forged the path before you. Let’s compare that acceptance rate to some of the universities I listed earlier. Stanford’s rate is the lowest at 5% and the highest being Carnegie Mellon at 23.7%. You have a much higher chance with the University of Washington.

紧随其后的是华盛顿大学,2015-2016年的录取率为53.3%。 这为您提供了一个很好的机会,可以跟随那些在您之前走过这条路的人的足迹。 让我们将该接受率与我之前列出的一些大学进行比较。 斯坦福大学的比率最低,为5%,最高的是卡内基·梅隆,比率为23.7%。 您在华盛顿大学的机会更高。

But let’s say you can’t move and you need to stay within a certain area. I’d look at the University of Washington’s computer science program and study it heavily. Understand the ins and outs, know all the classes you can take and then check the universities in your area and see if they have similar a curriculum.

但是,假设您无法移动,并且需要留在特定区域内。 我将研究华盛顿大学的计算机科学计划,并进行大量研究。 了解来龙去脉,了解您可以参加的所有课程,然后检查您所在地区的大学,看看它们是否有相似的课程。

If you’ve exhausted all your options locally, then you need to look online for a degree program. Find the most attainable university from the list of universities that people studied at for your target company. Then find the online degree program that gets the closest to matching the attainable university you chose.

如果您在本地用尽所有选项,则需要在线查找学位课程。 从人们为您的目标公司就读的大学列表中找到最能达到的大学。 然后找到最接近您所选择的大学的在线学位课程。

研究目标公司需要的专业化知识 (Study the specialization your target company needs)

This option can be a bit more risky due to the fact that the needs of a company may change before you finish your computer science degree. But it is still a good way to narrow down your choices. We start again with LinkedIn but we can use any job search tool.

由于在完成计算机科学学位之前公司的需求可能会发生变化,因此该选项的风险会更高一些。 但这仍然是缩小选择范围的好方法。 我们从LinkedIn开始,但是我们可以使用任何求职工具。

When I search Google’s job openings, I see a lot of mobile developers. This may be because of my LinkedIn profile and the fact I am a mobile developer but it’s clear the position is still in demand. I also see machine learning, firmware, site reliability engineering, business intelligence, database systems, imaging and many more.

当我搜索Google的职位空缺时,我看到很多移动开发人员。 这可能是由于我的LinkedIn个人资料以及我是移动开发人员的事实,但是很明显,这个职位仍然有需求。 我还看到了机器学习,固件,站点可靠性工程,商业智能,数据库系统,映像等等。

Look into all of these specializations. Look at how long these positions have been around, what the job would entail and see if it interests you. Can you find these kinds of positions at a lot of other top tech companies? Then you’re in luck because these positions are needed across the industry. That means there is a very high chance that these positions will still be high in demand when you graduate.

查看所有这些专业。 看看这些职位已经待了多久了,这份工作会带来什么,看看是否对您感兴趣。 您可以在许多其他顶级高科技公司中找到这些职位吗? 然后,您会很幸运,因为整个行业都需要这些职位。 这意味着,当您毕业时,这些职位的需求仍然很高。

Machine learning, firmware, site reliability engineering, business intelligence, database systems, imaging and many more.

Read articles about these specializations on Medium. There are a ton of amazing articles describing what the day to day of these kinds of positions would entail. This will help you make your choice on what specialization to focus on.

在Medium阅读有关这些专业的文章。 有大量令人惊奇的文章描述了这类职位的日常工作。 这将帮助您选择要关注的专业。

Once you’ve chosen your specialization, try to find universities that offer programs in them. You can also search your specialization in LinkedIn and see where people studied. This will give you a lot of ways to find universities that offer your specialty.

选择专业后,尝试寻找提供此类课程的大学。 您还可以在LinkedIn中搜索您的专业知识,并查看人们在哪里学习。 这将为您提供很多方法来查找提供您的专业的大学。

One last thing I would recommend is going to a local meetup that focuses on your target specialization. Talking to people at the meetup about your goal and your interest in this specialization will help you better understand the field. You can also get details about local jobs and concrete examples of what your future job would be like.

我建议的最后一件事是参加针对您目标专业的本地聚会。 与聚会中的人们讨论您的目标和对这个专业的兴趣,将有助于您更好地了解该领域。 您还可以获取有关本地工作的详细信息以及未来工作的具体示例。

成为一名扎实的通才 (Become a solid generalist)

As great as having a specialization can be, it comes with risks. The biggest risk is that your specialization will no longer be relevant once you graduate. This would be a major setback. The chances of this aren’t incredibly high but sometimes it is better to err on the side of caution.

尽最大可能拥有专业知识,但它带有风险。 最大的风险是,一旦毕业,您的专业将不再重要。 这将是一个重大的挫折。 发生这种情况的机会并不是很高,但有时最好还是谨慎一点。

If you want to be a solid generalist, you need to have some flexibility in your future career path. If you have a certain role in mind after graduation, then you shouldn’t choose this path.

如果您想成为一名扎实的通才,则在未来的职业道路上需要有一定的灵活性。 如果毕业后心中有某种角色,那么就不应该选择这条路。

You need to focus on fundamentals that apply to all computer science careers. And you need to have them be second nature to you. This will allow you to go with any career path.

您需要关注适用于所有计算机科学职业的基础知识。 您需要让它们成为您的第二天性。 这将使您走任何职业道路。

As great as having a specialization can be, it comes with risks. The biggest risk is that your specialization will no longer be relevant once you graduate.
尽最大可能拥有专业知识,但它带有风险。 最大的风险是,一旦毕业,您的专业将不再重要。

So what university should you choose if you want to go down this path? The fact is, you should probably just choose from a top list of universities in your country for computer science. Find the one that either is in your area or offers an online program. From there, make it clear to your advisor that you want to focus on computer science fundamentals. I would personally focus on courses related to algorithms and data structures.

那么,如果您想走这条路,您应该选择哪所大学? 事实是,您可能应该只从您所在国家的计算机科学顶级大学中选择。 查找您所在地区或提供在线计划的服务。 从那里开始,向您的顾问明确说明您要关注计算机科学的基础知识。 我个人将专注于与算法和数据结构有关的课程。

This path is more difficult because of the fact you need to be careful about which classes you choose. Whatever you choose, make sure that the principles learned in the class can be applied broadly.

由于您需要谨慎选择哪种类,因此这条路径更加困难。 无论您选择什么,都要确保在课堂上学到的原理可以广泛应用。

Also, if there are courses or extra-curricular activities aimed at interviewing, you should take them. Your goal here is to be so good at fundamentals, that you can ace most generalist interviews. So adding any knowledge or practice around interviewing will help you achieve your goal of getting a job at a top company.

另外,如果有针对面试的课程或课外活动,则应参加。 您在这里的目标是要精通基础知识,以便可以胜任大多数通才访谈。 因此,在面试中增加任何知识或实践将有助于您实现在顶级公司找到工作的目标。

选择合适的感觉 (Choose what feels right)

I’ve talked about this before, but don’t get caught in analysis paralysis. What I mean by this is, take the time you need to choose a computer science degree. But don’t use that as an excuse for not going forward with your studies. It can be really easy to get stuck and bounce between different choices. Don’t get caught in this trap.

我之前已经讨论过,但是不要陷入分析瘫痪。 我的意思是,花点时间选择计算机科学学位。 但是,不要以此为借口不继续学习。 在不同的选择之间卡住并反弹是很容易的。 不要陷入这个陷阱。

You set a specific goal and target for what you want to achieve with your computer science degree. Do the same with your search for the degree program. Set a deadline. Create a list of top 5 in no order. When you hit your deadline, make a choice from those top 5. In the end, the difference probably won’t be huge between those top 5 anyways. It’s important not to get stuck in the mud before you’ve even started the race.

您可以为要获得计算机科学学位的目标设定特定的目标。 对学位课程的搜索也要这样做。 设定最后期限。 按顺序创建前5名的列表。 当您按时完成任务时,请从前5名中进行选择。最后,无论如何,前5名之间的差异可能不会太大。 重要的是,在开始比赛之前,不要陷入泥潭。




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